How To Use This Site

Started by Archangel, July 28, 2017, 02:16:58 PM

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Submitting Information To A Timeline

When submitting to a timeline; ALL of the following guidelines MUST be followed:

  • ALL submissions will go through a validation process before the submission will be posted in the actual timeline. This validation process is nesseccary to insure that we are posting legitimate information.

  • Include the time that the incident / event started and ended. If you do not have an exact time of the incident / event; the times should be approximated and this should be clearly noted in your submission. In this way our researchers may be able to narrow down the times.

  • All submissions should include at least two independent sources for the information. This included links to any information, pictures, documents and sources that can be used to verify such information. The more information supplied the better. Only provide information known as facts not rumors. If you want to supply rumors they must be clearly noted as so; the our researchers can attempt to source and verify that the information may indeed be facts or not. We will not post rumors as facts; the information will actually have to be proven to be fact before it will be posted to the timeline.

  • Each submission subject must be in a separate post. Please do not place multiple subjects into one post.

  • All information gathered from other sites or sources must be given credit in your submission to the site or source used. Please include a link to the source document, photo, image, webpage or video.

  • Please add a link to your internet sources to the "Wayback Machine" for archival purposes. We want to create multiple redundancies for all available information so that it does not go missing...

  • All submissions may be reformatted by staff to conform to the current style of the site in order to make the reading of the information easier.
NOTE: Not adhering to these guidelines may delay your submission from being added to the official timeline.

Posting Information To All Other Areas

Abuse, profanity or off-topic subjects will not be tolerated on this site! We are here to assist the members of the families of 9/11 and others in locating information that may be helpful to them. Please be respectful at all time even if you may not agree with any point made. Attempting to provoke visceral responses is not permitted.  This site is determined to provide facts not emotions. Disregard for these rules will be cause for immediate termination of your account without prior warning!

Please also follow the rules for submitting to a timeline when you can.

NOTE: When viewing this site and a link to a source does not work, it may have been changed or removed from the site. You may be able to still view the page by coping the link to the "Wayback Machine" to see if it has a copy of the webpage.