
The 911 Commission - Condemed from the start?

Started by Archangel, July 28, 2017, 02:20:47 AM

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Ruins of the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001
Did you realize that the 911 Commission was budgeted about 15 million dollars to "investigate" the most important incident in history to the population of the United States? This is an incident that cost about over 3000 lives and still counting. One might say that is a lot of money to do an investigation; but think about this, about 80 million dollars was spent in an attempt to impeach Bill Clinton and to find out if he had sexual relations with "that woman"? Relatively, the 911 Attacks are only one fifth as important to investigate?

Other Government Investigation Costs

The government spent $175 million investigating the Challenger space shuttle disaster. It spent $152 million on the the Columbia disaster investigation. It spent $30 million investigating the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The government only authorized $15 million for the 9/11 Commission. And how much has the government authorized for the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission? You know, the commission charged with getting to the bottom of what caused the financial crisis? Just $8 million. When it comes to things that affect the population in a direct and major way, the government spends far less on the investigation.

Government sponsored Commission Reports have been notorious in making sure that the facts are misrepresented or completely ignored. Some say that if a Commission is ever formed to investigate anything; the truth will NEVER be heard! The only way to truly get an independent investigation would be to NOT have the government pay for it. Having the government pay for the investigation would be like having the prosecutor pay for and pick the defendants attorney then also pick the location and the judge to preside over the case... One would be foolish to believe that the defendant would actually get representation where the prosecutor could actually lose...

Some information for this post was obtained from Washington's Blog