
Hours before Attacks, San Francisco Mayor Receives Warning

Started by Archangel, July 25, 2017, 01:01:21 PM

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Willie Brown. [Source: San Francisco City Government]
Eight hours prior to the terrorist attacks, San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown receives a warning from his "security people at the airport," advising him to be cautious in traveling. (Matier and Ross 9/12/2001)

Later reports will claim that this is because someone saw the State Department warning of September 7 (see September 7, 2001), which focused on the threat to military personnel in Asia. Brown is scheduled to fly to New York the next morning. (US Department of State 9/7/2001; Matier and Ross 9/12/2001; Matier and Ross 9/14/2001)

The source of the warning, and why it is personally issued to Brown, will remain unknown.