
American Airlines Flight 11 Flies Over Nuclear Power Station

Started by Archangel, August 03, 2017, 09:17:11 PM

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While flying south along the Hudson River, Flight 11 passes almost directly over the Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan, NY, about 30 miles north of New York City. [New York Times, 4/4/2002; Bergen Record, 4/7/2002]

The New Yorker will later comment, "An attack on a nuclear power plant would seem to fulfill, almost perfectly, al-Qaeda's objective of using America's technology against it," and the New York Times will report, "Everyone within at least a 50-mile radius would be in danger if something terrible happened at Indian Point. That 50-mile radius contains more than 7 percent of the entire population of the United States—20 million people." [New York Times, 4/4/2002; New Yorker, 2/24/2003]

Mohamed Atta supposedly earlier considered targeting a nuclear facility on 9/11, but the other suicide pilots did not like the idea (see Between July 9 and July 16, 2001).