
Middle Eastern Men Reportedly Arrive at President Bush's Resort Falsely Claiming to Have An Interview

Started by Archangel, July 26, 2017, 01:21:58 AM

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Shay Sullivan. [Source: Longboat Observer]
A group of Middle Eastern men pulls up at the resort on Longboat Key, Florida, where President Bush is staying and falsely claims to have an interview scheduled with the president, but the men are turned away from the premises, according to a local fire marshal who later hears about the incident. (Sullivan 9/26/2001)

Bush arrived at the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on Longboat Key at 6:30 p.m. on September 10 and then spent the night there (see September 10, 2001). (Sammon 2002, pp. 13; Bayles 9/10/2002)

Sometime before 6:00 a.m. on September 11, or possibly on the evening of September 10, a van occupied by some Middle Eastern men pulls up at the resort. The men claim to be reporters and say they are there for a "poolside" interview with Bush. They then ask for a particular Secret Service agent by name. Security guards phone the receptionist at the resort and relay the men's request. The receptionist has not heard of the Secret Service agent named by the men or anything about a planned interview with Bush. She passes the phone to a Secret Service agent, who similarly tells the security guards that no one knows of the agent the men referred to or is aware of any scheduled interview with the president. The Secret Service agent says the men should contact the president's public relations office in Washington, DC, and has them turned away from the premises. (Sullivan 9/26/2001; Longboat Observer 9/7/2011)

Incident Resembles Recent Assassination Method - Some people will later note the similarity of this alleged incident to the method used to assassinate General Ahmed Shah Massoud, the leader of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, on September 9. (Martin 7/4/2004)

Massoud was killed by a bomb hidden in the video camera of two Arab men who said they were journalists who wanted to interview him (see September 9, 2001). (Elliott 8/12/2002; Martin 9/9/2002)

"Were the men on Longboat Key planning to kill Bush in similar fashion?" the St. Petersburg Times will ask. (Martin 7/4/2004)

Fire Marshal Learns about Incident - The alleged incident on Longboat Key will come to light after reporter Shay Sullivan hears local Fire Marshal Carroll Mooneyhan describing it to a colleague during a lull in a firefighters' union meeting and then writes an article about it for the Longboat Observer. Mooneyhan does not witness the incident firsthand, but will learn about it when he is at the front desk at the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort at around 6:00 a.m. on September 11. At that time, he will overhear the receptionist and a security guard discussing what happened. It is unclear when exactly the incident they discuss is meant to have occurred. (Sullivan 9/26/2001; Hartill 9/7/2011)

The Secret Service will question Mooneyhan about what he hears. (Martin 7/4/2004) Two weeks after 9/11, the FBI will reportedly be looking into the alleged incident. (Sullivan 9/26/2001)

Incident Is Later Denied - The day after the incident is first reported in the Longboat Observer, Mooneyhan "went silent" about it, Sullivan will say. (Hartill 9/7/2011)

In 2004, Mooneyhan will deny telling anyone at the Longboat Observer about the incident. "How did they get that information from me if I didn't know it?" he will say. (Martin 7/4/2004)

However, Sullivan will suggest that Mooneyhan may have been "ordered to stop talking about it." He will note that Secret Service agents visited his newspaper and "suggested we back off the story." (Hartill 9/7/2011)

Longboat Key Police Chief John Kintz will say in 2011 that he has been unable to find any evidence of the incident. "[T]here wasn't a single person who could confirm that it happened," he will say, adding, "We never found anyone who worked at the gate who could tell us that that happened." (Hartill 9/7/2011)

Other Suspicious Incidents Occur - Other suspicious incidents occur in the Longboat Key area around this time. Shortly after 4:00 a.m. on September 11, a Sudanese man contacts police in Sarasota and says he is concerned that a friend of his might pose a threat to the president while he is visiting the area (see 4:07 a.m. September 11, 2001). (Summers and Swan 2011, pp. 457)

And at 8:50 a.m. on September 11, a local man will see a van in Sarasota with two Middle Eastern men screaming out the windows, "Down with Bush" (see (8:50 a.m.) September 11, 2001). (Sullivan 9/26/2001)

Whether these two incidents are related to the alleged incident at the Longboat Key resort is unclear.