
White House Situation Room Holds Anti-Terrorism Training Exercise

Started by Archangel, July 26, 2017, 01:54:28 AM

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John Sherman (left) and Rob Hargis (right). [Source: T.J. Kirkpatrick / MCT]
A spontaneous training exercise is held in the White House Situation Room, based on the scenario of a terrorist bombing in Yemen. In recent months, the Situation Room has been extra vigilant due to the increased reporting of a possible terrorist attack on US interests in the Middle East. Presumably influenced by these concerns, Rob Hargis, the senior duty officer in the Situation Room, now holds an impromptu drill. He says to the others in the room: "Okay, there's been a large bombing in Yemen. Who does what?" Further details of the exercise are unknown. Commenting on it, John Sherman, one of Hargis's two assistants, will later say: "We were pretty keen on recognizing an event early. But we had no thoughts that morning about an attack on the homeland."

Situation Room Is the 'Nerve Center' of Crisis Management - The Situation Room is a multi-room facility on the ground floor of the White House's West Wing. It is staffed around the clock by personnel from each military branch, the State Department, and the intelligence agencies. (Bohn 8/29/2011)

Its mission is to provide current intelligence and crisis support to the National Security Council staff, the national security adviser, and the president. Its watch teams provide 24-hour monitoring of international events. (Donley, O'Leary, and Montgomery 1997)

Throughout the terrorist attacks later this morning, the White House Situation Room will serve as "the nerve center of presidential crisis management," according to McClatchy Newspapers. However, its director, Navy Captain Deborah Loewer, is away from the White House on this day, accompanying President Bush on his visit to Florida. (Bohn 8/29/2011)